I am leaving Kamogawa Law Office, where I have been a part of in the last 15 years. I will be opening the following office on January 1, 2021. Building upon the experience I have gained from working at the Kamogawa Law Office, I would like to explore a new vision with an international emphasis that is not so prevalent in Kyoto yet and create an independent office that can meet the legal demands of an international clientele. I will continue to expand my practice with a concentration in the field of real estate law, which has always been a strength, among other general practices, in the decades of tradition at Kamogawa Law Office led by Attorney Sakamoto. In doing so, I will steadily increase an emphasis on English-related matters. I also plan to take full advantage of the technological trends essential in reshaping legal practices around the world. It is exciting for me to work in an era where technology would enable my legal practice based in Kyoto to have a global outreach whilst covering local Japanese jurisdictions.
I have been fortunate to have had the privilege of working with many clients at Kamogawa Law Office, and through each of these encounters, I have learned and gained invaluable lessons that have helped me grow personally and professionally. I am grateful for the people and the experience they have brought me, and I will work even harder at the new office in the future. I humbly ask for your continued support and guidance in the next chapter of my professional growth
- Attorney At Law Shiki Tomimasu info@attorney-english.kyoto
Phone 075-585-5860(English)/ 5861(日本語)
Fax 075-365-1055(English or 日本語)

謹啓 深秋の候、皆様におかれましては益々ご清祥のこととお喜び申し上げます。