依頼者から学ぶ姿勢を大切に 法律知識だけでなく、社会の動きやみなさん一人一人の人生の多様性にも関心を持ち、広い視野での対応を心がけています。 1. 依頼者の立場の理解 ・あなたの世界観をしっかりと理解 ・当事者間の認識の違いや感情的対立の原因を一緒に探る 2. 的確な代弁者としての役割 ・あなたの立場や経験を裁判官や関係者に正確に伝達 ・単なる仲介者ではなく、あなたの声を代弁する存在 3. 複眼的...
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You can find some basic information on: ◎What a legal consultation is like in Japan, ◎Flow from an initial contact to hiring a lawyer in Japanese jurisdiction in general. The key cornerstone is a legal consultation, ◎How to make the most out of legal consultation appointment
What is Legal Consultation?◎Service Area: Qualified for all of the Japanese Jurisdiction. Focused mainly cases in Kyoto, and other Kansai areas. Have handled cases with jurisdiction in Nagoya, Toyama, Hiroshima, Tokushima, in addition to Tokyo, Kanagawa. ◎Practice Areas: Real Estate, Criminal Defense, Divorce, Traffic Accident, Medical Malpractice and other personal injury...