I lived in the United States for 6 years, during my high-school and college years. If you are looking for a lawyer who can communicate directly in English without an interpreter, please contact me for an appointment of a ▷legal counseling session, or a Houritsu-Soudan.
学生時代にアメリカで6 年間過ごした経験があります。京都、大阪、兵庫、滋賀その他関西方面で英語対応できる弁護士をお探しであればご連絡ください(▷法律相談のご案内)。 英語案件については、多岐にわたるさまざまな事件類型での豊富な対応実績があります。
- 2000 Stanford University
B.A. in Urban Studies, 2000 - 2005 Judicial Apprenticeship Training Program
Supreme Court of Japan
- 2005 Admission: Kyoto Bar Association
Associate, Kamogawa Law Office - 2010 Managing Partner, Kamogawa Law Office
Areas of practice
→ for details, please see ▷Cases Handled, and 1.▷Geographic Area of practice 2.▷Legal Areas of practice |
- General Civil Cases
(Real Estate, Inheritance, Personal Injury, Divorce) - Cases involving English speaking clients (or counter parties)
(Civil cases, Criminal Defence, Immigration) - Technical Litigation
(Architectural Design, Construction Supervision, Medical Malpractices)
Issues on the Relief Services for Adverse Health Effects and the Dispute Procedure
Wages and Social Securities 2010-1(No.1505/6)
「医薬品副作用被害救済給付とその争訟制度の問題点 」
The Hate Speech Demonstrations Against the Kyoto Korean Elementary School
Jurisprudence Seminar Oct, 2011(No.681)
The Algebra Project in Mississippi
Kyoto Bar Association Blog Aug, 2011
「ミシシッピalgebra project」
Past Lectures
(In English)
Hate Speech in Japan
Annual Guest Lecture
Public and Private International and Comparative Law
2017-present, sponsored by Michigan State University
(In Japanese)
to be updated later
Media Coverage
→ please follow the Cases Handled link for details.