From Ordinance for Enforcement of the Labor Standards Act

Translation provided by Japanese Law Translation website.

Disability GradePhysical Disability
Grade 1(1340 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those who are blind in both eyes.
(2) Those who have lost the functions of mastication and speech.
(3) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the nervous system or in the psyche and require continuous nursing care.
(4) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the thorax and abdominal organs and require continuous nursing care.
(5) Deleted.
(6) Those who have lost both upper limbs above the elbow joint.
(7) Those who have completely lost the functions of both upper limbs.
(8) Those who have lost both lower limbs above the knee joint.
(9) Those who have completely lost the functions of both lower limbs.
Grade 2(1190 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those who are blind in one eye and whose vision has decreased to 0.02 or less in the other eye.
(2) Those whose vision in both eyes has decreased to 0.02 or less.
(2-2) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the nervous system or in the psyche and require occasional nursing care.
(2-3) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the thorax and abdominal organs and require occasional nursing care.
(3) Those who have lost both upper limbs above the wrist joint.
(4) Those who have lost both lower limbs above the ankle joint.
Grade 3(1050 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those who are blind in one eye and whose vision has decreased to 0.06 or less in the other eye.
(2) Those who have lost the functions of mastication or speech.
(3) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the nervous system or in the psyche and will be unable to engage in labor for the rest of their lives.
(4) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the thorax and abdominal organs and will be unable to engage in labor for the rest of their lives.
(5) Those who have lost all the fingers of both hands.
Grade 4(920 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those whose vision in both eyes has decreased to 0.06 or less.
(2) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of mastication and speech.
(3) Those who have completely lost the hearing in both ears.
(4) Those who have lost one upper limb above the elbow joint.
(5) Those who have lost one lower limb above the knee joint.
(6) Those who have lost the use of all the fingers of both hands.
(7) Those who have lost both feet above Lisfranc’s joint.
Grade 5(790 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those who are blind in one eye and whose vision has decreased to 0.1 or less in the other eye.
(1-2) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the nervous system or in the psyche and will be unable to engage in any labor, excluding especially light labor.
(1-3) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of the thorax and abdominal organs and will be unable to engage in any labor, excluding especially light labor.
(2) Those who have lost one upper limb above the wrist joint.
(3) Those who have lost one lower limb above the ankle joint.
(4) Those who have completely lost the use of one upper limb.
(5) Those who have completely lost the use of one lower limb.
(6) Those who have lost all the toes of both feet.
Grade 6(670 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those whose vision in both eyes has decreased to 0.1 or less.
(2) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of mastication or speech.
(3) Those whose hearing in both ears has decreased to the extent that they cannot hear a loud voice unless it is next to their ears.
(3-2) Those who have completely lost the hearing in one ear and whose hearing in the other ear has decreased to the extent that they cannot hear an ordinary voice at a distance of 40 cm or more with that ear.
(4) Those who are left with a serious deformity or mobility impairment in the spinal column.
(5) Those who have lost the use of two of the three major joints in one upper limb.
(6) Those who have lost the use of two of the three major joints in one lower limb.
(7) Those who have lost the five fingers of one hand or four fingers of one hand including the thumb.
Grade 7(560 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those who are blind in one eye and whose vision has decreased to 0.6 or less in the other eye.
(2) Those whose hearing in both ears has decreased to the extent that they cannot hear an ordinary voice at a distance of 40 cm or more.
(2-2) Those who have completely lost the hearing in one ear and whose hearing in the other ear has decreased to the extent that they cannot hear an ordinary voice at a distance of one meter or more with that ear.
(3) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of the nervous system or in the psyche and cannot engage in any labor, excluding light labor.
(4) Deleted.
(5) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of the thorax and abdominal organs and cannot engage in any labor, excluding light labor.
(6) Those who have lost the thumb and two fingers of one hand or four fingers, except the thumb, of one hand.
(7) Those who have lost the use of five fingers of one hand or four fingers of one hand including the thumb.
(8) Those who have lost one foot above Lisfranc’s joint.
(9) Those who are left with an artificial joint in one upper limb and serious mobility impairment.
(10) Those who are left with an artificial joint in one lower limb and serious mobility impairment.
(11) Those who have lost the use of all the toes of both feet.
(12) Those females left with extreme deformities in their external appearance.
(13) Those who have lost both testicles.
Grade 8(450 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those who are blind in one eye or whose vision has decreased to 0.02 or less in one eye.
(2) Those who are left with mobility impairment in the spinal column.
(3) Those who have lost the thumb and one finger of one hand or three fingers, except the thumb, of one hand.
(4) Those who have lost the use of the thumb and two fingers of one hand or four fingers, except the thumb, of one hand.
(5) Those who have had one lower limb shortened by 5cm or more.
(6) Those who have lost the use of one of the three major joints in one upper limb.
(7) Those who have lost the use of one of the three major joints in one lower limb.
(8) Those who are left with an artificial joint in one upper limb.
(9) Those who are left with an artificial joint in one lower limb.
(10) Those who have lost all the toes of one foot.
(11) Those who have lost the spleen or the kidney on one side.
Grade 9(350 days of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act)
(1) Those whose vision in both eyes has decreased to 0.6 or less.
(2) Those whose vision in one eye has decreased to 0.06 or less.
(3) Those who are left with hemianopsia, contraction of the field of vision or distortion of the field of vision in both eyes.
(4) Those who are left with serious damage to both eyelids.
(5) Those who have lost their noses and are left with serious impairment in the functions of the nose.
(6) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of mastication and speech.
(6-2) Those whose hearing in both ears has decreased to the extent that they cannot hear an ordinary voice at a distance of one meter or more.
(6-3) Those whose hearing has decreased in one ear to the extent that they cannot hear a loud voice with that ear unless it is next to that ear and whose hearing in the other ear has decreased to the extent that they have difficulty in hearing an ordinary
(7) Those who have completely lost the hearing in one ear.
(7-2) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of the nervous system or in the psyche and for whom the labor in which they can engage is limited to a considerable extent.
(7-3) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of the thorax and abdominal organs and for whom the labor in which they can engage is limited to a considerable extent.
(8) Those who have lost the thumb of one hand or two fingers, except the thumb, of one hand.
(9) Those who have lost the use of two fingers of one hand including the thumb, or three fingers, except the thumbs, of one hand.
(10) Those who have lost two toes or more of one foot including the large toe.
(11) Those who have lost the use of all the toes of one foot.
(12) Those who are left with serious impairment in the genital organs.
Grade 10労働基準法第十二条の平均賃金の二七〇日分)
270 days worth of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act
第十級一 一眼の視力が〇・一以下になつたもの
(1-1) Those whose vision in one eye has deteriorated to 0.1 or less.
一の二 正面視で複視を残すもの
Those who are left with diplopia in their frontal vision.
二 咀嚼又は言語の機能に障害を残すもの
(2) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of mastication and speech.
三 十四歯以上に対し歯科補綴を加えたもの
(3) Those who have 14 teeth or more on dentally prostheses.
三の二 両耳の聴力が一メートル以上の距離では尋常の話声を解することが困難である程度になつたもの
(3-2) Those whose hearing in both ears has deteriorated to the extent that they cannot hear an ordinary voice at a distance of one meter or more.
四 一耳の聴力が耳に接しなければ大声を解することができない程度になつたもの
(4) Those whose hearing in one ear has deteriorated to the extent that they cannot hear a loud voice unless they are right next to said ear.
五 削除
(5) Deleted
六 一手の拇指又は拇指以外の二指の用を廃したもの
(6) Those who have lost the use of their thumb on one hand or two fingers, except the thumb, on one hand.
七 一下肢を三センチメートル以上短縮したもの
(7) Those who have had one lower limb shortened by three centimeters or more.
八 一足の第一趾又は他の四趾を失つたもの
(8) Those who have lost the big toe or the other four toes on one foot.
九 一上肢の三大関節中の一関節の機能に著しい障害を残すもの
(9) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of one of the three major joints of one upper limb.
一〇 一下肢の三大関節中の一関節の機能に著しい障害を残すもの
(10) Those who are left with serious impairment in the functions of one of the three major joints of one lower limb.
Grade 11労働基準法第十二条の平均賃金の二〇〇日分)
200 days worth of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act
第十一級一 両眼の眼球に著しい調節機能障害又は運動障害を残すもの
(1) Those who are left with serious impairment in their adjustment function or mobility impairment in both eyeballs.
二 両眼の眼瞼に著しい運動障害を残すもの
(2) Those who are left with serious mobility impairment in both eyelids.
三 一眼の眼瞼に著しい欠損を残すもの
(3) Those who are left with serious damage to one eyelid.
三の二 十歯以上に対し歯科補てつを加えたもの
(3-2) Those who have ten teeth or more on dentally prostheses.
三の三 両耳の聴力が一メートル以上の距離では小声を解することができない程度になつたもの
(3-3) Those whose hearing in both ears has deteriorated to the extent that they cannot hear a low voice at a distance of one meter or more.
四 一耳の聴力が四十センチメートル以上の距離では尋常の話声を解することができない程度になつたもの
(4) Those whose hearing in one ear has deteriorated to the extent that they cannot hear an ordinary voice at a distance of 40 cm or more with that ear.
五 脊柱に畸形を残すもの
(5) Those who are left with a deformity in their spinal column.
六 一手の示指、中指又は環指を失つたもの
(6) Those who have lost the index, third, or fourth finger on one hand.
七 削除
(7) Deleted
八 一足の第一趾を併せ二趾以上の用を廃したもの
(8) Those who have lost the use of two toes or more on one foot including the big toe.
九 胸腹部臓器の機能に障害を残し労務の遂行に相当な程度の支障があるもの
(9) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of their thorax and abdominal organs and such condition interferes with the performance of labor to a considerable extent.
Grade 12労働基準法第十二条の平均賃金の一四〇日分)
140 days worth of the average wage stipulated by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act
第十二級一 一眼の眼球に著しい調節機能障害又は運動障害を残すもの
(1) Those who are left with serious impairment in their adjustment function or mobility impairment in one eyeball.
二 一眼の眼瞼に著しい運動障害を残すもの
(2) Those who are left with serious mobility impairment in one eyelid.
三 七歯以上に対し歯科補綴を加えたもの
(3) Those who have seven teeth or more on dentally prostheses.
四 一耳の耳殻の大部分を欠損したもの
(4) Those who have lost the major part of the auricle of one ear.
五 鎖骨、胸骨、肋骨、肩胛骨又は骨盤骨に著しい畸形を残すもの
(5) Those who are left with a serious deformity in the collarbone, breastbone, rib, shoulder blade, or pelvis.
六 一上肢の三大関節中の一関節の機能に障害を残すもの
(6) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of one of the three major joints of one upper limb.
七 一下肢の三大関節中の一関節の機能に障害を残すもの
(7) Those who are left with impairment in the functions of one of the three major joints of one lower limb.
八 長管骨に畸形を残すもの
(8) Those who are left with a long bone deformity.
八の二 一手の小指を失つたもの(
8-2) Those who have lost the little finger on one hand.
九 一手の示指、中指又は環指の用を廃したもの
(9) Those who have lost the use of the index, third, or fourth finger on one hand.
一〇 一足の第二趾を失つたもの、第二趾を併せ二趾を失つたもの又は第三趾以下の三趾を失つたもの
(10) Those who have lost their second toe on one foot, those who have lost two toes including their second toe, or those who have lost three toes other than their big and second toes.
一一 一足の第一趾又は他の四趾の用を廃したもの
(11) Those who have lost the use of their big toe or the other four toes on one foot.
一二 局部に頑固な神経症状を残すもの
(12) Those who are left with obstinate localized nervous symptoms.
一三 削除
(13) Deleted
一四 外貌に醜状を残すもの
(14) Those who are left with deformities in their external appearance.
Grade 13労働基準法第十二条の平均賃金の九〇日分)
90 days worth of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act
第十三級一 一眼の視力が〇・六以下になつたもの
(1) Those whose vision in one eye has deteriorated to 0.6 or less.
二 一眼に半盲症、視野狭窄又は視野変状を残すもの
(2) Those who are left with hemianopsia, contraction of the field of vision, or distortion of the field of vision in one eye.
二の二 正面視以外で複視を残すもの
(2-2) Those who are left with diplopia in their vision other than frontal vision.
三 両眼の眼瞼の一部に欠損を残し又は睫毛禿を残すもの
(3) Those who are left with damage to parts of both eyelids or have eyelash baldness.
三の二 五歯以上に対し歯科補てつを加えたもの
(3-2) Those who have five teeth or more on dentally prostheses.
三の三 胸腹部臓器の機能に障害を残すもの
(3-3) Those who are left with an impairment in the thorax and abdominal organs.
四 一手の小指の用を廃したもの
(4) Those who have lost the use of their little finger on one hand.
五 一手の拇指の指骨の一部を失つたもの
(5) Those who have lost some of the bones of the thumb on one hand.
六 削除
(6) Deleted
七 削除
(7) Deleted
八 一下肢を一センチメートル以上短縮したもの
(8) Those who have had one lower limb shortened by one centimeter or more.
九 一足の第三趾以下の一趾又は二趾を失つたもの
(9) Those who have lost one or two toes on one foot other than the big and second toes.
一〇 一足の第二趾の用を廃したもの、第二趾を併せ二趾の用を廃したもの又は第三趾以下の三趾の用を廃したもの
(10) Those who have lost the use of their second toe on one foot, those who have lost the use of two toes including their second toe, or those who have lost the use of three toes other than the big and second toes.
Grade 14労働基準法第十二条の平均賃金の五〇日分)
 50 days worth of the average wage stipulated
by Article 12 of the Labor Standards Act
第十四級一 一眼の眼瞼の一部に欠損を残し又は睫毛禿を残すもの
(1) Those who are left with damage to a part of one eyelid or have eyelash baldness.
二 三歯以上に対し歯科補綴を加えたもの
(2) Those who have three teeth or more on dentally protheses.
二の二 一耳の聴力が一メートル以上の距離では小声を解することができない程度になつたもの
(2-2) Those whose hearing in one ear has deteriorated to the extent that they cannot hear a low voice at a distance of one meter or more with that ear.
三 上肢の露出面に手掌面大の醜痕を残すもの
(3) Those who are left with deformed scars the size of their palm on the exposed surfaces of their upper limbs.
四 下肢の露出面に手掌面大の醜痕を残すもの
(4) Those who are left with deformed scars the size of their palm on the exposed surfaces of their lower limbs.
五 削除(5) Deleted
六 一手の拇指以外の指骨の一部を失つたもの
(6) Those who have lost some of the bones of their fingers, except the thumb, on one hand.
七 一手の拇指以外の指の末関節を屈伸することができなくなつたもの
(7) Those who have become unable to extend and contract the last joint of any finger, except the thumb, on one hand.
八 一足の第三趾以下の一趾又は二趾の用を廃したもの
(8) Those who have lost the use of one or two toes on one foot other than the big and second toes.
九 局部に神経症状を残すもの
(9) Those who are left with localized nervous symptoms

一 視力の測定は万国式試視力表による。屈折異常のあるものについては矯正視力について測定する。(i) Vision shall be measured in accordance with international visual acuity measurement standards. The vision of those with some abnormality in refraction shall be measured in relation to corrected vision.

二 指を失つたものとは拇指は指関節、その他の指は第一指関節以上を失つたものをいう。(ii) ”Those who have lost fingers” means “those who have lost, for the thumb, the part upward of the thumb joint, and for the other fingers, the parts upward of the first joint.”

三 指の用を廃したものとは、指の末節の半分以上を失い又は掌指関節若しくは第一指関節(拇指にあつては指関節)に著しい運動障害を残すものをいう。(iii) ”Those who have lost the use of the fingers” means “those who have lost half or more of the distal phalanges ” or “those who are left with serious mobility impairment to the knuckle joints or the first finger joints (for the thumb, the thumb first joint).”

四 趾を失つたものとはその全部を失つたものをいう。(iv) ”Those who have lost the toes” means “those who have lost all the toes.”

五 趾の用を廃したものとは第一趾は末節の半分以上、その他の趾は末関節以上を失つたもの又は蹠趾関節若しくは第一趾関節(第一趾にあつては趾関節)に著しい運動障害を残すものをいう。(v) ”Those who have lost the use of the toes” means “those who have lost, for the large toe, half or more of the distal phalanges, and for the other toes, the part above the distal phalanges” or “those who are left with serious mobility impairment in the joints of the last phalanges proximales up to Metatarsalia, or the first toe joints (for the large toe, the toe first joint)”